Breast surgery

Breast surgery

Published : 2016/11/06

Breast surgery

Very often women with unusually large, sagging, or uneven breasts are dissatisfied with their physical appearance. Some experience pain or discomfort from the sheer weight of their breast and pressure of brassiere straps on their shoulders. Large breasts can hamper a woman’s physical activities and make it difficult to find properly fitting clothes, particularly brassieres. This surgery is designed to improve the body contour, reduce pain and make the individual more comfortable when engaging in physical activities.


Prior to Breast surgery, a medical history is taken in order to evaluate the general health of the patient. The breasts themselves are then examined thoroughly to determine the most effective surgical approach. The physician describes the type of anesthesia to be used, the procedure, scar placement, extent of scaring, what results might realistically be expected, possible risks and complications. Pre-operative instructions may include the elimination of certain drugs, smoking habits and mammograms (breast x-ray).


A breast reduction is usually performed in a hospital or an outpatient surgical setting under general anesthesia. The physician may choose from a variety of surgical procedures depending on the size of the breast, location of nipples and patients body structure. The excess breast, fat and skin is removed to obtain desired final breast size and placed in the proper location. The final result is breasts that are smaller, lighter, better shaped, with nipples at the appropriate location.


Between 3-4 hours.


Following Breast surgery, the patient wears either bandages or a special bra. Pain connected with the procedure is minimal to moderate and is controlled with oral medication. Antibiotics may be prescribed to prevent infection. Strenuous exercise and overhead lifting must be avoided for three to four weeks. Numbness around the treated area may occur but this condition is usually temporary. swelling and discoloration disappears in a few days and scars from incision although permanent, fade significantly first few months. The recovery progress will be followed closely and other recommendations will be given by the surgeon.


Complications connected with the surgical procedure are rare: however, there are inherent risks connected with every surgical procedure. Possible risks and complications will be thoroughly discussed with the physician prior to surgery. There are incision scars around the areola (ring around the nipple) and under the breasts. Other complications include infection, hematoma (blood collection in the breast), nipple sensation changes and/or loss, skin loss, loss of ability to breast feed in the future and in rare cases disruption of the nipple blood supply which may result in nipple skin loss. Patients can minimize complications by carefully following directions given by the Physician.